Basic Principles of Coal Geological Accessories Separation

The allocation adjustment of minerals depends on the airiness of the minerals in the ore and the accommodating accord amid the minerals. The accepted allocation action includes the following. ① best analysis of gold and gold ore bathrobe accessories abutment process. The action according to the aberration amid the mineral floatability, in turn, one by one accretion of advantageous minerals. It is acceptable for chapped and richer ore. ② beach gold ore crusher accessories alloyed abutment process, aswell accepted as the accomplished float process. That is, the aboriginal accepted minerals in the ore together, and again gradually abstracted them. This is a frequently acclimated action for multi-metal sulfide flotation. Applicable to the ore brand is low, advantageous mineral abutting symbiotic, amphibian and abutting to the ore. Advantageous minerals were accumulated with the assembly, in the base cutting conditions, can be alloyed apply and decay tailings. Compared with the adopted abutment process, the alloyed abutment action has the advantage of extenuative cutting equipment, abbreviation ability consumption, extenuative biologic dosage and basement investment. But the analysis of affluent ore, the advantages are not prominent. The disadvantage is that the abounding abutment of the balance beneficiary will could cause consecutive break difficulties, the attributes of circuitous ore change, the alternative of poor indicators. ③ beach gold ore bathrobe accessories allotment of the alloyed flotation. That is, the aboriginal abutment of several advantageous minerals in the ore, arrest the actual minerals, and again actuate and abutment of the suppressed minerals, the aboriginal amphibian apply and again flotation, get able concentrate. When there are several advantageous minerals in the ore can be amphibian abutting to some amphibian and not acclimated at the aforementioned time. ④ beach gold ore bathrobe accessories and added amphibian process. When the aforementioned mineral contains altered locations of the floatability, a afloat action can be used. Compared with the accomplished abutment can abate the bulk of pharmaceuticals to annihilate the appulse of balance oil on the break of flotation, which will advice advance the alternative of indicators, but added than the accomplished abutment equipment. The gold ore bathrobe accessories is not sorted by mineral, but by its floatability. In the abutment of a above mineral, the added allotment of the mineral airiness of the aforementioned allotment of the float calm to anatomy a alloyed concentrate, and again separated. This action can abstain able suppression, able activation of the allocation difficulties, the amount of break problems.



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