Sand brief power advantages and disadvantages of the use of belt drive

Most power use Sand making machine, belt drive on sand power advantages and disadvantages, small series about the following: First, the use of dynamic sand belt drive shortcomings   1, the transmission of larger overall dimensions;   2, since the drive belt tension needs to be applied, so that a larger force shaft and bearings;   3, since the elastic sliding belt, can not guarantee a fixed transmission ratio. Second, the use of dynamic sand belt drive advantages   1, with the transmission structure is relatively simple, low precision manufacture and installation requirements;   2, because the drive has a flexible, shock-absorbing cushion and so smooth transmission, low noise;   3. Use the belt drive will slip under overload occurs, can prevent other mechanical damage;   4, the use of tape drives can be used two axial center of large transmission. Advantages and disadvantages of using a belt drive co-exist, it is inevitable, so the design Sand must pursue excellence when power structure, so as to expand the advantages and avoid disadvantages.



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