Crusher dust problem

Currently crusher production, there are still some problems in addition to dust, are: 1) Selection of baghouse filtration area is too small, less than the actual amount of ventilation at the discharge port of the crusher and crusher dust mask cavity is difficult to form slightly negative pressure, resulting in greater job environment dust. 2) When the humidity is high, the crushed material (material after rain or watering), when dust particles into the dust of the more coarse crushed material dry, easy to paste bag filter bags under the feeder easy to plug, resulting dust bag ventilation resistance is a significant increase in ventilation capacity decreased dust serious. 3) dust into the dust pipe, elbow inlet pipe at the system resistance increases, elbow parts susceptible to wear and clogging dust. The use of screw conveyors and conveying ruled wheel baghouse dust trap down, electricity consumption increases, mechanical maintenance workload increased; often need to be demolished under the sub-wheel feeder cells, over time, under the feeder flange leakage, exacerbate hopper leakage. Inner material 4) on the belt in a fall, the air and the material went into closed dust cover, dust-laden gas through the shroud wall cracks and openings to the outside of the cover spread of environmental pollution. In addition, due to improper removal belt-corner point settings, dust both on and stop the fall of the lower belt of dust almost no effect. Therefore, since the 5th rock breaking machine is running, the ESP will be no run-off, the lower belt conveyor has been filled in the dust among its transformation process layout at the corner of the front belt dedusting process layout 5) In order to reduce dust due to leakage caused by the crusher housing, in the actual production, when the material was dried in the crusher entrance watering often, as a result of increased bag paste bag filter bags and under the feeder blockage. Since the baghouse is intermittent cleaning, dust when working properly, leakage ruled wheel is also not to be ignored. 6) Failure bag filter and accessories more, not only affect the normal dust, and increased equipment maintenance workload. Equipment maintenance from the statistics, the poor and spare parts quality is an important cause of equipment failure more. For those problems, Xinxiang full quarry crusher Co., considers it necessary to make some improvements on technical measures: 1) the crusher and baghouse at the corner belt are updated to LNGM64-4 type and LNGM4-8 type bag filter. According to the characteristics of dust, the use of water repellent and oil filter. LNGM4-8 type bag filter open layout, its housing insulate water treatment. To ensure reliable operation of equipment, the purchase of key parts of bag filter should pay attention to the brand and specifications, in order to reduce the failure rate of the device. 2) improving the process bag filter arrangement, according to the arrangement of belt filter crusher; the baghouse hopper transform standard dual hopper structure, which canceled a screw conveyor, raise baghouse, help intake duct arrangement (wind pipe angle); the inlet box set into the wind, so that the discharge port of the dust into the dust under the crusher directly into the air box, saving the elbow, reduce the system resistance, improve the collection efficiency. Hopper air lock using single flap valve, cancel the next round of the feeder and motor ruled reduce secondary dust, improve collection results. 3) dust belt by the scene at the corner of conditionality, its chute and dust cover can not be changed, dust collected in the form of process layout, so dust cover in a slight negative pressure to eliminate dust belt machine. 4) should be beneficial to filter and pulse valve life, but also taking into ash hopper at the drop of dust, in order to improve the overall effect of dust crusher and belt conveyor, crushing when dry materials, can be in Crusher materials appropriate watering entrance (requires open crusher after 10 ~ 20min). 5) strengthen the management of dust removal equipment, regular inspection of the dust cover closed the case, identify problems in time. On the job environment and the implementation of baghouse dust emissions management by objective assessment, regular dust monitoring, use economic leverage to mobilize the enthusiasm of staff positions, improve maintenance level of dust removal equipment to minimize dust pollution. After improvements on technical measures, with very good results and experience in dust areas: 1) After the transformation, the environment crusher and conveyor system at the corner meet the design requirements, precipitator dust emissions almost invisible. Run over three months, the device has not been maintenance. 2) 2 bag filter media phenomenon without paste bag. 3) It should be noted that dust mask block dust screens dust effects of structure on large block dust screens can not use an old belt hanging on the matter, should the old belt cut into 15 ~ 20mm wide, 1/4 Part superposition into a curtain, so convenient passage on the belt material, and good airtight performance.



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