
目前显示的是 五月, 2015的博文

Outstanding performance advantages of quarry crusher

As we know, with the development of economy, China's mining and mineral industry in the development of the past simple, rough and harsh working environment more and more from the customer's favorite, which makes the customer to the crusher equipment performance requirements are higher. At the same time, the implementation of water conservancy energy reduction policies put forward higher requirements for crushing equipment. It can be said that the current crusher industry is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Considering the quarry crusher equipment strict requirements, we constantly innovate, optimize the product structure, to better adapt to the harsh working environment, and according to the structural characteristics of the crusher work more effectively. Quarry crusher is a commonly used equipment in coal preparation plant and coking plant, the crusher is the stone which is often of high manganese steel parts, the hardness of high manganese steel is 180-220

Quarry crusher equipment in the market and the market in the future

In twenty-first Century, the project investment boom, will drive the crusher equipment overall investment boom, and as a key area of mining machinery in leading the development of industrial economy. According to expert analysis, the future of crusher equipment in the international market has been quite optimistic about the market investors, and the direction of the quarry crusher machine in the future will also be in the green environmental protection, energy saving and high efficiency in the trend of development. Later, the crusher industry in China will usher in a big wave of development, the trend is mainly reflected in the following aspects: First of all, China's quarry crusher with a relatively large market potential, the cake has been broken equipment manufacturers strong concern. Plus the crusher renewal speed is very fast, so the domestic crusher Market is still a concern to the hundreds of billions of market. At present, the domestic crusher supply accounted for only 40

Crusher industry rainbow night highlights domestic and foreign markets

The past year was the first year of China's "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", China's crushing machine industry during the year after the market's ups and downs. With the mining machinery industry, "second Five Year Plan" release, the crusher industry has also ushered in an excellent opportunity for industrial upgrading. In 2012, the countries continue to increase investment in infrastructure construction and mine construction on the basis of Quarry Crusher demand gradually picked up. And the overseas market due to the impact of the debt crisis of the global economic recovery cast a shadow over the future development of crusher market is showing uncertainty. Situation in the domestic foreign markets differ, the development of the crusher industry is also a new trend. First, overseas mergers and acquisitions become a craze. Because of the debt crisis, foreign demand for reducing the crusher, crusher enterprises overseas profits shrink, cash flow difficulties ha

Crusher dust problem

Currently crusher production, there are still some problems in addition to dust, are: 1) Selection of baghouse filtration area is too small, less than the actual amount of ventilation at the discharge port of the crusher and crusher dust mask cavity is difficult to form slightly negative pressure, resulting in greater job environment dust. 2) When the humidity is high, the crushed material (material after rain or watering), when dust particles into the dust of the more coarse crushed material dry, easy to paste bag filter bags under the feeder easy to plug, resulting dust bag ventilation resistance is a significant increase in ventilation capacity decreased dust serious. 3) dust into the dust pipe, elbow inlet pipe at the system resistance increases, elbow parts susceptible to wear and clogging dust. The use of screw conveyors and conveying ruled wheel baghouse dust trap down, electricity consumption increases, mechanical maintenance workload increased; often need to be demolished und

Nations hao Machinery Paint Bucket crusher and mechanical manufacturing technology

State-hao machinery recently launched paint bucket crusher is the ho machinery to meet market demand for the introduction of complete sets of mechanical sand with intelligent integration control, fleet intelligence joint operation, remote monitoring and many other international advanced technology, fully loaded domestic Sand mechanically advanced level. The successful launch of the series equipment is broken technology with machinery manufacturing perfection. Sand Making Machine can be Lulu cans, Red Bull cans, beer cans, oil drums, paint bucket, a thin metal waste, scrap iron slag, moon cake boxes, cans and other scrap metal broken into groups like particles, all kinds of waste Bucket crushed into groups like particles thus reducing transport costs and increase the speed of scrap metal was cast iron stove. Different users depending on the type, size and finished material processing of raw materials required for the use of a variety of configurations. Here to remind customers, paint

Crusher manufacturers appeal: social integrity can not be lost

In recent years, social integrity recurring challenged Sanlu milk powder incident has been the phenomenon of the lack of moral integrity continuously, fake eggs, jelly, cold noodle event containing gelatin capsules make things with shoes and so on, to today's Lipton tea contains high toxic pesticides event, crusher machine and again each daunting, social integrity where? ?Confucius said: " crusher machine perfect, action must be" Mengzi Yun: "Honesty person, way of heaven also; Si Cheng who live well," Heine once said: "Life can not from lies the brilliant flowers "...... ages, integrity has been noble pursuit of the Chinese nation. Therefore there are "people have no faith will not stand, who, without faith no interest, no letter is not national prestige" remarks. "Create a fair trade, to promote social integrity," the mission to create social value! Faced with the lack of integrity today, reconstruction of the social integrity

Two reasons for Broken machine motor damaged

Composite Crusher Composite short break, is one of crushing production line and sand production line equipment commonly used. Users in the use of composite crusher phenomenon often appear damaged motor, Xin Di composite crusher expert analysis, compound crusher motor damage causes is multifaceted and comprehensive. We go deep into the composite crusher, production site field investigation concluded that fault factors compound Quarry Crusher motor damage because in addition to having in common a general failure of the motor power factor and other equipment, but also with the composite crusher own particular operation generated about . Two reasons for Broken machine motor damage is as follows: 1, pressure automatic switch of reliability and sensitivity, from the compound crusher is usually stopped automatically by the pressure switch (pressure relay) direct drive motor AC contactor automatic control. The automatic pressure switch in most cases, mechanical structure, the use of spring c

Safety Cone Crusher

Cone crusher is used in Quarry Crusher . Metallurgy, construction, road construction, and other industries in the crushed materials, are heavy machinery, so use the time to pay special attention to safe operation. Safety requirements are as follows: 1, cone crusher maximum size of ≤85% to mine the ore mouth size, otherwise it will lead to lower production crusher, cone crusher damage to some parts. 2, cone crusher ore must be assigned work in the middle of the disk, in order to prevent the crusher overload, so uneven wear liner; not allowed to directly load the ore crushing cavity right to mine conditions are: ore dispensing tray. uniformly dispersed in the crushing cavity, to the ore can not be higher than the level of rolling acetabular wall 3. Do not load starting cone crusher to avoid accidents. Timely processing 4, the operation of the cone crusher work should always check the locking system of pressure and Sand Making Machine , identify problems 5, the parking, you must fi