Ball low inlet temperature analysis and solutions

Ball low inlet temperature analysis and solutions Jicheng Wang, Ai light (Shuangyashan First Generation Co., Ltd., Heilongjiang Shuangyashan 155,136) relatively low inlet temperature, not only Vertical Roller Mill Plants entrance area frequently, but also contribute to declining coal grinding mill and other issues proposed should be strengthened mill entrance door cold temperature and atmospheric control dampers adjusted so that the actual opening and indication of consistent measures to improve mill inlet temperature, to reduce power consumption milling purposes. Raised a question of Taiwan Harbin Boiler Factory production of HG 670/140 11 ultrahigh parameters, once reheat, single drum natural circulation boiler, supporting 200 MW turbine generator. 1,2 unit production time, respectively in August 1988, August 1989, after the unit into operation, on many occasions boiler pulverizing system and bunker blasting accidents, resulting in huge losses. In order to reduce the number and then blasting blasting force pulverizing system and bunker, and at the expense of Unit Economy premise, to take on increasing milling system operation mode of ventilation methods to control its aim is to reduce the amount of ventilation within the vertical roller mill and increase the likelihood of accumulated powder pulverized fine equipment for many years of governance, reconstruction and exploration experience, summed up a series of explosion-proof measures, has solved the milling system and bunker blast from the fundamental. Milling system exceeds the design value of ventilation operation, in order to keep the mill inlet and outlet temperatures of negative pressure, temperature and throttle (negative adjustment) opening of the always great. In the coal moisture content is low, not only warm full throttle, even cold air must open the door (normal operation, prohibiting open the door cold air). Ball during normal operation, the inlet temperature is only 150 ~ 190 ℃, coal drying tube drop in the drying effect is not good, will reduce the mill output, and high water content in the coal, often in the mill entrance area of ​​coal, so coal pulverizing system product ventilation was reduced, further reducing the volume of coal mill output another wind at high temperatures, oxidation spontaneous combustion fire, repeatedly LUM Vertical Roller Mill system blasting, seriously affecting the safe and economical operation of the boiler.



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