Green crusher market-oriented policies, the efficient development

Mining machinery manufacturing industry has been relatively independent of heavy industry and plays a pivotal role in the industry, the development of mining machinery for mining, metallurgy and a variety of industries have a very significant role in promoting, especially with the implementation of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" so that the development of mining machinery had no small fluctuations, green industrial development platform for infrastructure investment as China's rise, and widen the opening, the market gradually pick up from the doldrums of stagnation. Faced with the deployment of national modernization work, our crusher industry usher in a new development opportunities. On the current situation, many large-scale construction projects, companies generally do not bear all their construction tasks, and more inclined to put the basis of aggregate production transferred to some scattered sand and gravel producers, so not only saves costs and save time, making capacity of SMEs supporting industry modernization has increased, especially in the green level, China has invested vision has conducted some adjustments. For the next few years to bring national policy adjustments development opportunities, many companies have started to change crusher R & D direction, the introduction of Quarry Crusher , jaw crusher, impact crusher, vertical roller mill, mobile crushing plant and construction waste processing equipment, such as efficient equipment, which is both environmentally friendly, ecology, perfect fusion of low carbon concept, but also for the green development of mining, construction and other fields to provide a strong technical support. Low carbon environmental protection, high-tech crusher industry driven by national policy, expanding market demand for crusher equipment, crusher industry to promote innovation started. China's urbanization, industrialization launch speed of new rural construction and accelerating the construction industry, high energy consumption, use of power has become a hinder efficient and low economic development. Thus, vigorously carry out environmental, ecological, low carbon concept of green building, research and development and efficient crusher, building materials industry has become the core concept of thinking. "Twelfth Five Year Plan" low-carbon development strategy, reflects the development of the law of the crusher industry should be based on research and development of green technology as a precondition, Quarry Crusher enterprises should focus on improving the scientific and technological content to enhance environmental benefits and energy, in order to improve their own R & D competency-based same time, through the introduction of foreign advanced technology, with the domestic institutions of higher learning to establish research bases and other ways to improve the overall quality of products, and promote value-added services and products, which may well be an opportunity to adapt to the full development of their own way, also led the industry to keep up with the pace of the times, and efficient development. China crusher Network noted that since the 12th Five Year Plan, a number of favorable policies to stimulate the country, not only to deepen the transformation of energy-saving crusher enterprises, but also for the industry to carry out the supply of a broad platform, our crusher industry has also undergone a change, the new Crusher emerging toward large-scale, intelligent direction, Sand Making Machine functional diversification, expanding the scope of application, and then towards the hydraulic cone crusher technology, multi-cylinder cone direction, it can be said that China crusher manufacturing industry is undergoing new changes. I believe that China crusher industry to adapt to the development of low carbon environmental protection laws, while technological innovation as the driving force, further promote the whole industrial system of environmental projects started to shape the future of the green market.



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